Sweeney Todd has left the building

After 6 weeks that include 7 rehearsals and 16 shows, my tenure as percussionist for Theatreworks, FL’s production of Sweeney Todd has come to an end.

The cast was superb, the crew was about as pro as the come, and the orchestra was top-notch. I can only hope any future shows to be half as memorable!

Sweeney has easily been one of the most rewarding theater experiences in which I’ve been involved.  Great music should push and challenge a musician, and I can most assuredly say that while this has been the more difficult shows of my career (if not the most difficult), I consider myself a better percussionist  having performed it. From the insane counting to panic-inducing mallet switching to wrist-bending keyboard voicings, this show (and especially Sandler’s arrangement) has stretched me as both a performer and artist.